
new moon resistance



Time-sensitive action needed.

A Judge too Farr

Thomas Alvin Farr helped suppress our state's voters with racist specificity called out as "surgical precision," yet he now stands poised to sit on NC's Eastern District Court.

Unethical “editing” by Phil Berger

Inexcusable manipulation and deception by our state Senate leader must not be excused by his colleagues.

The first amendment. Again.

This White House refuses to honor the right of a free press to inform the people. Unacceptable.

No Excuses.

When Congressional committees won't do their job, we need to SPEAK OUT and insist that they do.

Protect our Protection

Can we preserve the integrity of the agency that preserves our planet?

Genuine Security

Protecting the integrity of our executive branch's security advisors is urgently important to our country's welfare.

Education Matters – & so does national security.

America's children deserve better than Betsy DeVos. And white nationalists belong on the terror watch list.

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